Inflammation in the joint, which leads to pain, limitation in movement as well as deformity is often caused by arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease. In this condition, there is progressive thinning, wearing of the cartilage, that covers the surface of the knee joint. In some cases, there can be increase in the synovial fluid. Since the cartilage wear away, bone irregularities are caused. This leads to the bones rubbing against each other and causing pain. This is when the arthritic knee exercises come in handy. These exercises help in strengthening the knee joint, increasing flexibility, range of motion, etc. Regular exercise helps in restoring joint movement. When a person is suffering from arthritis, it is best not to stress the knee joint, by climbing up the stairs, squatting on the floor, etc. We will now see some knee exercises, which will be of help in treating arthritic knee.
Best Exercises for Knee Arthritis
Before you do the arthritic knee exercises, it is important, that you do some light warm up. Warming up prevent injury or aggravation of the knee pain. At the same time, be gentle when you are doing the exercises. Never overstretch the knee joint. It will not necessarily give you relief. Often it may aggravate the condition. It is best to slow stretch and build the muscles around the knee.
Knee Raise
To do this knee strengthening exercise sit up straight on a chair. Place both the feet on the floor. Lift the right leg, such that the foot is about 5 to 6 inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and then gradually lower the leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times on both the legs.
Hamstring Stretch
This is one of the exercises for arthritis of knee. Sit on the floor with both the legs extended in front of you to do this exercise to strengthen knees. Gradually bend forward from your waist. Bend down as much as you can, so that the chest comes closer to the leg. Feel the stretch at the back of the thigh. Hold the position for a count of 15. Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. You can also do this exercise, by bending one leg and extending the other.
Wall Slides
This is one of the best exercises for a bad knee. Doing this exercise is rather easy. Stand about 10 to 12 inches away from the wall. Press your back against the wall and pull your knees closer to one another. Slowly start sliding down, so that the knees are bent and your thighs are at an angle. Do not go down to low in the initially. When you get used to it, you can go down, till the knees are parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds and come back to the starting position to repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times.
Quadriceps Stretch
It is a simple exercise for knee pain. It can be done at any time of the day. Stand closer to a support. Bend your right leg such that the heel of the leg touches the buttocks. You may not be able to touch the heel to the buttocks. Using your hands, try to pull the leg towards the body, so that you feel the quadriceps stretch. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, release and repeat 5 to 7 times on both the legs.
Front Kick
This knee pain exercise can be done with or without resistance. Stand closer to a wall for support. Balance all your weight on your right leg. Now lift the left leg and bring it in front of the body, but do not touch the floor. Use the hips to move the leg. Hold for a few seconds and come back to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other leg as well.
Back Kick
To do this knee exercise for arthritis, stand closer to a wall for support. Face the wall and balance all your weight on the left leg. Lift the right leg off the floor and kick back and hold the position for a couple of minutes. Come back to the starting position and repeat the exercise. This arthritic knee exercise should be repeated 10 times on both the legs.
Before you do the arthritic knee exercises, it is recommended you consult your physiotherapist. He will be in a better condition to prescribe the appropriate exercises for your condition. It is important that you do the exercises regularly to derive benefits from them.
Best Exercises for Knee Arthritis
Before you do the arthritic knee exercises, it is important, that you do some light warm up. Warming up prevent injury or aggravation of the knee pain. At the same time, be gentle when you are doing the exercises. Never overstretch the knee joint. It will not necessarily give you relief. Often it may aggravate the condition. It is best to slow stretch and build the muscles around the knee.
Knee Raise
To do this knee strengthening exercise sit up straight on a chair. Place both the feet on the floor. Lift the right leg, such that the foot is about 5 to 6 inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and then gradually lower the leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times on both the legs.
Hamstring Stretch
This is one of the exercises for arthritis of knee. Sit on the floor with both the legs extended in front of you to do this exercise to strengthen knees. Gradually bend forward from your waist. Bend down as much as you can, so that the chest comes closer to the leg. Feel the stretch at the back of the thigh. Hold the position for a count of 15. Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. You can also do this exercise, by bending one leg and extending the other.
Wall Slides
This is one of the best exercises for a bad knee. Doing this exercise is rather easy. Stand about 10 to 12 inches away from the wall. Press your back against the wall and pull your knees closer to one another. Slowly start sliding down, so that the knees are bent and your thighs are at an angle. Do not go down to low in the initially. When you get used to it, you can go down, till the knees are parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds and come back to the starting position to repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times.
Quadriceps Stretch
It is a simple exercise for knee pain. It can be done at any time of the day. Stand closer to a support. Bend your right leg such that the heel of the leg touches the buttocks. You may not be able to touch the heel to the buttocks. Using your hands, try to pull the leg towards the body, so that you feel the quadriceps stretch. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, release and repeat 5 to 7 times on both the legs.
Front Kick
This knee pain exercise can be done with or without resistance. Stand closer to a wall for support. Balance all your weight on your right leg. Now lift the left leg and bring it in front of the body, but do not touch the floor. Use the hips to move the leg. Hold for a few seconds and come back to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other leg as well.
Back Kick
To do this knee exercise for arthritis, stand closer to a wall for support. Face the wall and balance all your weight on the left leg. Lift the right leg off the floor and kick back and hold the position for a couple of minutes. Come back to the starting position and repeat the exercise. This arthritic knee exercise should be repeated 10 times on both the legs.
Before you do the arthritic knee exercises, it is recommended you consult your physiotherapist. He will be in a better condition to prescribe the appropriate exercises for your condition. It is important that you do the exercises regularly to derive benefits from them.
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